Thursday, December 10, 2009

Issue of the Week Poll

Hello Everyone! This week, the "issue of the week poll" will not be held at my blog. It will actually be posted at my friend, Savannah's, blog. Please go to her blog (I'll post the link to it in a minute) and vote for the issues of the week! We will see which issue wins and then we will discuss our opinions on the winning issue. Thanks!

Here is the link to Savannah's blog:



Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Global Warming: Truth or Trick?

I agree that Global Warming will end the life on Earth. I believe that humans are the ones that are partially causing Global Warming by polluting the air with greenhouse gases such as CO2, methane, water vapor, and nitrous oxide.
When these gases go up into the atmosphere they make the ozone layer thinner which causes harmful UV rays (also known as Ultraviolet Rays) to enter the Earth.
Now I know that all of you have heard this but, REDUCE, REUSE, and RECYCLE! It may have gotten on your last nerves but one person can make a big difference. If we recycle one ton of paper we are saving :

  • 17 trees
  • 6,953 gallons of water
  • 463 gallons of oil (a non-renewable resource)
  • 587 pound of air pollution
  • 3.06 cubic yards of landfills
  • 4,077 kilowatt hours of energy

REUSE. Americans these days recycle upto 13 million glass jars a day. Now that's AMAZING!

If we REDUCE the use of cars and other vehicles which guzzle up petroleum, we are really helping the environment. Did you know that 26% of the pollution in the Earth's atmosphere is caused by vehicles that use petrol?

You see. We really can make a difference. 1 ton of paper! I mean if one town recycled 1 ton of paper we would save all of those non-renewable resources and energy. It's AMAZING! :)

But recycling is just one of the many things that can save our planet. You could always ride to school or work on your bike, walk, or if it's not possible to walk or ride on your bike, CARPOOL!

See everyone can really make a difference and so can YOU! :)


  • Did you know that in 2003 the average person consumed 850 pounds of paper. That's a lot! If every person recycled that paper, we probably wouldn't be in this mess!
  • Glass can never wear out. It can be recycled again and again and again.

All together we have learned that if every one of us can Recycle or Substitute cars and other vehicles to drive to their destination by using bikes and even walking, we can diminish the 26% of pollution in the air.

Now, I know that it's not always possible that we can walk or ride our bikes to school, but doing this SOMETIMES can help YOU save money and help the EARTH survive!

Thank you everyone and have a very nice day!


(Please leave a comment and share your opinion about GLOBAL WARMING)

Thanks Again!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Welcome to Issues and Opinions

Hi everyone! My name is Anuja and this is my blog called "Issues and Opinions!" In this blog I will be researching an issue and will be sharing my opinion on it. You can comment and leave your opinion. We are doing this for an independent project in our Gifted and Talented Challenge class, so this is basically a school project. Please read my opinions and leave a comment. You can also check out my friend Savannah's blog at